About us

We meet at The Anzac Room Community House, Meridian Centre, Meridian Way, Peacehaven, BN10 8BB.

The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January)  from 2pm-4pm

You will be very welcome to join us, as a visitor for a couple of times.

I joined four months ago and was to made to feel very welcome by Pat as soon as I arrived, and introduced to a lovely lady called Val who took me under her wings. I was sitting with a group of ladies who I now consider to be good friends.

We are an informal group who celebrated our 100th birthday in May 2023.

Having a wonderful party inviting other WI members from the area.

Before Covid our members enjoyed regular coffee mornings, short walking mornings with a lunch after, theatre trips.

We hope to start again, if members are interested.  There is a Mahjong group once a week.

One of our members Sally Mohamed runs a craft group once every 2 months to teach various crafts.

We support ACWW by collecting pennies.

Our recent speakers and demonstrations have been:

Lady Crabtree with her witty speech about “Glad to be Grey How To Grow Old Disgracefully" Very funny.

Michaele Wynn-Jones “Scarf Tying Magic” We all brought our long scarfs and learnt how to tie them in many ways. Very useful

William Shaw crime and fiction fascinating talk.

Dorothy Proietti A.C.W.W. The history and the ongoing work for both rural and urban women of the world. Very enlightening