About us
Your Board of Trustees
Following our Federation Annual Meeting and a successful Trustee Recruitment Campaign we are delighted to introduce to you our ESFWI Board of Trustees for 2024-2025:
Sue Davies and Susanna Way, as joint chairs.
Liz Lash as our County Treasurer.
Liz is aided by Julie Aris, as the Assistant Treasurer.
Our 1st Vice Chair is Linda Hayler and our 2nd Vice Chair is Julie Aris.
To complete the team we have Gill Norman, Hilary Lewis, Alison Freeman, Tricia Mayo and Moira Cook.
As a new and enlarged team of Trustees we are all eager to support our WIs and individual members in the best possible fashion.
This looks like it's going to be an exciting year ahead!!
We are indebted to the many individuals who support our Federation, in the following roles:
WI News Editor
Our WI Editor is Linda Hayler from Hampden Park Decoy Ducks WI - If you have any articles that you would like to add or see published in out ESFWI News then please email Linda on winewseditor@gmail.com
ACWW Representative
Our ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) representative is Dorothy Proietti. If you would like to know more about the work of the ACWW, why not visit their website https://acww.org.uk/our-history-1
Resolutions' Co-ordinators
Each year the WI work through a Resolution process to find the one Resolution that National WI will adopt as a Campaign. This is a very interesting process and has historically seen seminal campaigns being launched, such as Keep Britain Tidy. To find out more about the process, its history and the latest campaign news click this link to take you to the NFWI Website. Liz Lash and Lee Ede are our Resolutions' Co-ordinators.
County Archivist
Shirley Kirby is our County Archivist.
Independent Financial Examiners Liaison Officer
Each year in the lead up to each Individual WI's AGM, the Treasurers will prepare accounts for presentation at their meeting. Prior to the meeting the Accounts are verified by an Independent Financial Examiner IFE), in order to ensure financial integrity and best practice. Our Liaison Officer, Janis Tutt, works alongside the office to ensuring that IFE's are allocated to individual WIs and liaises with IFE's to resolve any queries or problems.
Web Editors
Sharon Hamby and Susanna Way, working alongside the team at HQ, look after the development of the Federation Website pages held on the NFWI website, and will be working with individual WI Website Editors to enhance and develop individual WI's pages.
Press/Media Officer/committee
This is a 'Situation Vacant' at the moment and we would ask anyone interested in performing this role, to contact Simon Krista, our Federation Secretary.
Our trustees on this committee are joined by Jennifer Johnson and Marilyn Grout
Our Sub-Committees
We have the following sub-committees who work hard to create a calendar of Events that uphold one of key Missions:
"The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities."
We are always pleased to hear from members who might like to join our sub-committees, and if this is YOU, please email one of the Contact names shown.
WI Support Team (WIST)
We have a fantastic team of WI Advisers who together comprise our WIST Team. They are our 'one-stop' shop for help and support to all our individual WI's. The team currently consists of Lee Ede and Sharon Hamby. To find out more about them, how they can help you and, just maybe, how you can help them why not check out their dedicated page.
Craft & Art
We aim to produce a varied programme of events, in both online and in person settings. They may be more Arty or Crafty, or sometimes a combination of them both! We try to arrange events at times and on days when most of our membership will be able to attend. We are always looking for new ideas of what we can do and how we can do it.
On our team currently we have Linda Grange, Jan Kelly, Lynda Emberson, Josie Wilkinson, Diane Salter, Christine Taylor, Lyn Davenport and Susanna Way.
If you have an inkling to join us or ideas of what we could add to our Programme please email susannawaywi@gmail.com
Food & Garden
We love food, and enjoy putting on events that give members an opportunity to share in this love. We also love gardens - and aim to stage events that inspire our members to get out into gardens of all shapes and sizes.
On our team we currently have Sue Davies, Avril Parrini, Mary Taylor, Jacquie Frost and Ginny Lewis.
Leisure & Learning
We host things as diverse as Speaker Selection events and Quizzes! As our title suggests our remit is quite broad - we enjoy holding events which enhance our member's opportunities to learn more or enjoy a more leisurely activity.
On our team we currently have Anita Jobling, Anne Reed, Dorothy Proietti, Kim Dunn and Julie Aris.
Climate Ambassadors
We care passionately about what is happening to our Environment. We exist to share and promote Climate initiatives at all levels.
On our team we currently have Gill Norman, Debbie White, Angie Lintott, Ann Majic, Susan Santos and Susan Wilson.