
It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to cancel this event, as there were so few applicants. We hope to run an online survey in the Autumn, which will give you all the opportunity to give us your feedback.


The Winter Gardens, Eastbourne, 11 - 4pm

RUTH ROGERS; ‘Inside the War Horse’ is our new speaker. The actor and puppeteer who was ‘Joey’s head’ in the stage production of War Horse. A fantastic ‘behind the scenes’ presentation by Ruth. Interesting for those who have seen the War Horse production but if you haven’t, we are sure you will find it fascinating.

ANN JONES is an inspirational speaker. She became NFWI Chair in 2021 and lives in Wales where she is kept busy running a beef and sheep farm with her husband.

SCARLETT MCNALLY Professor Scarlett McNally, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and proponent on the benefits of exercise for improving physical and mental health.

So don’t delay buy your tickets today; from HQ, Falcon Way 01323 442592 (leave a message on the answerphone if need be and we will get back to you) or email Symone Krista,

Following the very sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8th 2022 - we are cancelling our WI Day Event on September 16th. We hope that this will be a postponement, rather than a cancellation. We are sorry if you were planning to attend, but we hope you understand our decision.

Would you like to join us? Then please CLICK one of the following links to find out more and to book your place.

Mailchimp Evening Workshop on 20th October on Zoom

Mailchimp Saturday AM workshop on the 22nd October

Mailchimp Saturday PM workshop on the 22nd October

Willow Work with Danny Manning

Organised by the Craft and Art Sub Committee, we are delighted to see the return of face to face workshops.

Willow Work Flyer

East Sussex Federation of Women’s Institutes

Craft & Art Sub-Committee

Mosaics with Christine Walker

Meridian Centre, Peacehaven

Saturday 23rd July 2022 10am until 4pm

You will make this beautiful butterfly, or if butterflies don’t appeal, rectangular bases will be available for house numbers etc…

Numbers are limited to 15 participants, so please book early. To book your place click on this link, or type it into your browser.

Bookings will open on June 7th 2022.

Cost: £35

You will also need to pay £5 on the day direct to Christine for materials.

Please bring an apron, newspaper and rubber gloves.

Refreshments included on the day, but please bring a packed lunch.

If you are unable to book using the Eventbrite link, please do not worry – please call ESFWI HQ on 01323 442592 – to book over the phone. (Office hours only please Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30 – 4pm.)

Have you missed entering something into the South of England Show this year? Well here's your chance to put that right!!

Why not get together with your friends and have a go!