
W.I.S.T.  (WI Support Team)

In East Sussex our membership committee is called W.I.S.T. (WI Support Team) and is the sub-committee to which the WI Advisers belong.

WI Advisers are appointed by NFWI, and work within their own federation to support members and WIs, alongside promoting our wonderful organisation to the wider community.  All WI advisers receive training from NFWI to help and enable us to offer this support. The adviser role is one of the oldest roles within the WI.

We run regularly workshops to support members take on WI committee roles and are always available to offer confidential and understanding advice and help to all members.

If you would like to know more about the role and how you could become a WI Adviser, please watch this short video which gives more information.

Useful Resources

Below is a list of useful resources which can be downloaded or accessed online.  Many of these items can be found on MY WI, our members only website.   The items online are the most up-to-date and current version, so even if you have a copy in your WI files you may find it helpful to take a fresh look.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with the adviser team via the contact us page.


If you have not yet visited My WI, it's quick and easy to register and get started, so why not click here and take a look.  Not only does it contain useful information about running your WI, but it also has craft projects, recipes, details of our past & present campaigns plus much more.

WI Constitution & Handbook

All WIs sign a copy of the WI constitution when they are formed.  The constitution sets out our objects and is a framework by which all WIs must govern themselves.  Revised in 2021 to allow for WIs to hold virtual meetings, it is important all WIs have a copy for reference.   A copy of the WI constitution can be downloaded from My WI.

Declaration of Eligibility

All appointed committee members are required to complete a Declaration of Eligibility Form.  WIs should keep the forms completed by their WI Committee Members in a sealed envelope and stored in a secure place. The forms should be kept securely during the trustee’s term in office and for a period of four years from the point of a trustee relinquishing her trusteeship

GDPR - Data Consent Form

This form will help WIs ensure they are complying with GDPR requirements which came into effect 25th May 2018.  Our ESFWI template form is designed to be simple and easy to alter to suit your WI and should be updated annually and given to each member when they pay their subscription.   All areas in blue should be altered, added to to deleted to suit your own WI.


MCS2 (Membership Communications System 2) is the database that contains information about each WI and their membership. Your WI should have an appointed MCS Rep who is responsible for keeping the information up-to-date.    If you have been newly allocated the position of MCS Rep for your WI you will need to inform Vicky at ESFWI HQ, so ensure your have the correct access permission.

As the MCS Rep for your WI please check that all paid-up members are listed and that officer roles and committee positions are correctly assigned. It is important that the information stored on the MCS2 (Membership Communications System 2) is kept up to date. There is a full how to guide available to download on MY WI.  Vicky is our federation Rep, and runs workshops for MCS Reps as needed.  Please contact the ESFWI HQ to find out more details.

Please Note: If you need to add or delete dual members, this must be done by the office.

Treasurer's  Corner

Budget Form

A budget sets out the amount of money a WI may expect to receive over the year, and the amount of anticipated expenditure. Preparing the budget is a straightforward exercise and many of the items can be based on the previous year’s figures.  This should be prepared by the treasurer and shared with the entire committee.  Each year ESFWI HQ send a budget template to every WI.  A copy is also available here for you to download.

Gift Aid Guidance

Under the Gift Aid scheme, charities can reclaim the basic rate tax paid on donations to the charity. This amounts to 25p per £1 donated.   From 2018, WIs may claim Gift Aid on the WI share of the membership subscription only.

This qualifies as a donation for Gift Aid provided that a member:

1. has paid at least as much Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the tax year as the amount being reclaimed

2. has made a Gift Aid declaration

3. has not received benefits worth more than 25% of the WI share of the subscription paid.

For more information please take a look at the gift aid page on My WI or contact us via the contact us page