About Us


Our lively, busy, popular and welcoming WI meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the spacious function room at Forest Row Village Club.  With well over 80 members we run a wide range of activities, visits/outings and groups in addition to our monthly programme of talks from visiting speakers, together with a Christmas Party, Summer Games and cream tea afternoon and evening BBQ.  We have a range of sub groups with activities open to all members of the WI.  Our smaller groups are a great way to get to know people when you join.

Our enthusiastic committee meets regularly to plan and review our activities and we encourage members to come and join us always welcoming new ideas and offers to organise events.

At our monthly meetings we ask for volunteers to be on the Welcome Desk signing in members and to help in the kitchen  serving refreshments.  Doors open at 7pm with the speaker usually starting at 19.30.  Notices may happen before or after the speaker depending on their schedule.

We support WI campaigns debating the proposed resolutions at our spring monthly meeting in April or May.   We continue to take an active interest in our local environment.

Our members are kept informed about our activities through a monthly email newsletter.  Members also receive the East Sussex Federation (ESFWI) monthly emailed newsletter and the national WI magazine ‘WI Life’ by mail.  There is also an active private Facebook group for those who wish to use it.

Our tenth anniversary passed during lockdown so a belated celebration was held in May 2022 with a highly successful, well attended Murder Mystery Evening.

The top image below shows one of our past entries in a local show competition.

Colemans Hatch Show

Murder Mystery Evening

Tables MME